What is artificial intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., is quite simply the offloading of human intelligence to computer systems. Any system that perceives it’s environment and dynamically uses it to successfully achieve it’s goals can be considered as an intelligent machine.
What are it's applications?
A.I. permeates the world around us. From agriculture to healthcare every industry currently leverages artificial intelligence to disburden human employees from menial, repetitive tasks. The most prominent fields currently using A.I. are Finance, Healthcare, Education, Transportation, Manufacturing, Media and Military.
Education is a cooperative endeavor between the student and the instructor. Instructors plan a variety of learning activities to help their students master the course content. Your contribution is to participate in these activities within the framework established in the class syllabus.
Successful learning requires good communication between students and instructors; therefore, in most cases, regular classroom attendance, or regular participation in the case of a non-traditional course format, is essential.
It is your responsibility to inform your instructor prior to an absence from class if this is requested by the instructor in the class syllabus. You are responsible for making up all course work missed during an absence. In the event of unexplained absences, your instructor may withdraw you administratively from the course.
- Self-reliance, logic and patience.
- Ability to be dynamic and absorb new information.
- General Interest in computer science, robotics or psychology.
- Computer with a good internet connection.
- Webcam.
- Microphone.
- Free time to finish homework assignments.